A Typical Renovation Timeline for a 20,000-Square-Foot Office

The timeline for renovating a 20,000-square-foot office can vary significantly based on several factors, including the scope of work, the complexity of the renovation, the extent of structural changes and the efficiency of the construction process (good planning is a must!).

Class A office renovations in South Florida can take upwards of 6 months to a year, though the exact timeline for a given project will depend on its details (and the cost of those details). Here is a rough estimate of the timeline you can expect for a 20,000-square-foot office space in Miami.


  • Pre-construction: This phase may take 3-6 months during which time the drawings are completed and permits are secured. It’s also when we nail down all the project details and the exact timeline. If you already have an office building, the permitting process is slightly less complicated and moves more quickly. For more about getting a permit to build an office in Miami, check out this post.


  • Construction: Once permits are secured and drawings are finalized, construction begins. If a building’s shell is already complete, the interior work can all be completed without the impact of outside elements. We can work through the mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) components, as well as fire alarms and fire sprinklers, without our timeline being affected by rain, heat or other climate conditions. While exterior work can be delayed by the weather, interior work is not impacted. Generally, construction work takes 6-12 months. Timelines can also be impacted if you’re working within a gray box or white shell for the office space.


  • Post-construction: This phase goes relatively quickly. Any final items are addressed, paperwork completed, and inspections and approvals are obtained.


Though these timelines are rough estimates, they give you a sense of how long the process can take depending on the office project’s scope and complexity. Good planning and efficient project management are keys to streamlining construction. For help with your office renovation in Miami, get in touch with us at Seacoast Construction to schedule a free consultation.

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