A Hotel Refurbishment or a Complete Renovation: How to Save Time and Money on Both

Hotels need to undergo near-constant upgrades in order to stay in good favor with their guests.

However, despite their necessity, hotel renovations can be disruptive and expensive. When it’s time to do yours, it’s imperative to plan ahead so you can move through the project seamlessly and quickly.

Getting Your Project Started on the Right Foot

Whether you’re planning a relatively smaller hotel refurbishment or need to take on a complete renovation to the property, hiring the right general contractor will make all the difference for your project.

Communication competence is just as, if not (dare we say) more important than, construction competence when it comes to commercial projects. With so many moving parts, you need a team that is organized, experienced, and highly skilled at the work itself.

Understanding Your Budget and Timeline for a Hotel Renovation

The scope of your hotel renovation is going to be a major factor in your timeline and budget, but having a solid grasp on your budget will also dictate what you will and won’t do during the project.

Remaining on time and on budget with your project regardless of scope will require you to do the following:

  • Plan ahead and make tough decisions during pre-construction
  • Consider alternative materials or designs if needed
  • Be expecting constant communication from your project manager
  • Trust your team (after you’ve established a relationship and thoroughly interviewed and vetted them, of course)

Hotel renovations require a level of attention, planning and flexibility that some other commercial projects do not because the work must be done while the hotel remains in service and operation.

If you’re looking for help navigating a hotel renovation without impacting daily operations and one that also stays on time and on budget, give us a call at Seacoast Construction.



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