How to Navigate a Hotel Renovation Without Impacting Daily Operations

Maintaining a high-quality guest experience while undergoing a renovation to your hotel is imperative. The expectations surrounding cleanliness, class and quality are higher than ever for travelers, and no one wants to be significantly impacted by noise or debris during their stay.

Though some hotels may choose to close their doors during a renovation, there are certainly ways to remain open, operational and profitable during construction by planning ahead and working with an experienced general contractor.

How to Plan for a Hotel Renovation

Enhancing the guest experience via a renovation may require short-term sacrifices, but they will achieve long-term gain. Renovated hotels command higher room rates and secure more lucrative event bookings, in addition to offering an elevated hotel product.

During any renovation, keeping the guest experience front and center is paramount to the project’s success. Here’s how to plan ahead so you can keep daily operations churning at your hotel while still achieving an on-time, on-budget hotel renovation.

  • Insist on communication and collaboration – As a hotel owner, you are the expert on the operations of your hotel. By partnering with an expert in construction, you are able to team up to create the best possible plan for your renovation project. If there’s one thing you can do to help the entire project go smoothly, it’s to insist on thorough planning and strong communication every step of the way.

  • Identify the hotel’s biggest revenue-generators – During planning, you want to discuss with your GC which areas of the hotel bring in the most revenue. This is essential so you can prioritize keeping those areas open as often as possible during the renovation. This will likely require a phased approach to construction and may mean creating temporary spaces to ensure ongoing service to your guests.

  • Upgrade rooms with minimal disruptions – One of the best ways to minimize hotel disruptions is to go floor-by-floor with your renovation plan. Block off floors two or three at a time, so you can complete one floor in its entirety while leaving another floor as a buffer to the rooms above or below it. As soon as a floor is complete, it can be opened back up to guests.

Hotel renovations are an important part of maintaining high-quality service and experiences for your guests – and they don’t have to shut down your operations or be disruptive. Give us a call at Seacoast Construction to learn more about how to navigate your hotel renovation in South Florida.

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