Factors to Consider When Searching for Office Space in South Florida

Office properties in South Florida are experiencing a boom right now as companies choose to relocate their headquarters or expand their businesses to the Sunshine State, but boom or no boom, the greater Miami area has always and will always be an important business destination and hub.

As you search for office space in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties, there are some important things to keep in mind whether building new or renovating an existing office property.

Don’t Forget These Components of an Office Search

  • Parking – A sometimes overlooked but always essential factor in any office search is parking. Cars (and traffic) are interwoven into the daily fabric of Miami. As you consider a commercial office renovation or new buildout in South Florida, parking has to be part of the master plan. This means not only developing a design plan for the parking lot or ramp itself if one is not included as part of the lease, but also creating a budget for it.

  • Permitting requirements – South Florida has a complex permitting process and our buildings must meet rigorous safety standards. These requirements also vary from county to county and municipality to municipality. Those not from the area are often surprised when they hear about the various codes and constraints to our build processes in Florida. As you search for an office location, it’s important to be aware of any construction constraints before moving full steam ahead with a lease. Be sure to partner with an experienced local contractor and consider hiring an owner’s representative to ensure compliance with your office renovation project.

  • Climate – Buildings in Miami must withstand severe storms, high heat and relentless humidity. These are all considerations to keep in mind when evaluating office properties. If renovating, you’ll want to consider the quality of products you select to ensure a comfortable office environment every day of the year. An experienced construction consultant can help you find appropriate materials for your project that still fit your budget.

If you are searching for office space in Miami, it’s imperative that you work with a local team that knows the area and is experienced in navigating the unique building requirements of the area. Our team at Seacoast Consulting Group has been working in the area for 25 years as general contractors, owner’s representatives, construction consultants and many roles in between. If you have questions or would like to schedule a free consultation, contact us today.


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