What You Need to Know About Integrating MEP Coordination into Your Commercial Kitchen Design

Kitchens are the heart and soul of any food service operation – be that in our own homes or businesses. When the kitchen is sound, healthy and functioning at its best, it’s going to most effectively meet the demands of its users and its customers.


Operating efficiently also means ensuring complete safety. With a new build, much of that starts behind the scenes – with the integration and coordination of your mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems.


Commercial kitchens today need to function as almost a mini factory in order to service customers and remain safe. Each component in the assembly line must flow perfectly to the next from both a design perspective as well as from a safety standpoint.


Here’s how we, at Seacoast Construction, make sure your new commercial kitchen is safe, operational and fully ready to service your diners:


  • If the restaurant’s kitchen already has a design in place, we thoroughly evaluate the MEP systems to verify the equipment works and is up to local code requirements.


  • If the kitchen does not have a design, we partner with consultants to formulate the design in conjunction with the building’s abilities. We then make adjustments to the equipment so that the flow is most efficient.


In commercial kitchens, the equipment must integrate with other systems, including the fire alarm, electrical, gas, and mechanical systems. There is a specific sequence of operations that must be followed for hoods, commercial dishwashers, and other parts of the kitchen.


For example, if there is a fire, the hood must shut down, the gas shut off, and the fire alarm be notified of the problem so that it goes off and calls the fire department. Additionally, the electrical must be zoned off and the breaker released in specific places so as to remove any crossing into the fire.


All of this happens in an “if this, then that” sequence with solution. If something goes wrong, there could be serious health and safety consequences.


When you partner with our team at Seacoast Construction, we ensure that your restaurant is designed in a way that best works for your needs while also taking extra care and precautions to properly install your commercial equipment. If you have questions about a restaurant renovation or improving your commercial kitchen, please get in touch.

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