The Most Important Component of Your Commercial Kitchen Buildout

The kitchen is the heart and soul of any restaurant, but the part that beats the loudest is the hood system. Getting installation correct during construction is imperative to a safe working environment as well as one that adheres to Florida Fire Prevention Code.

But it’s not easy, and it requires a coordinated team to successfully install it.

Why Hood Installations Are So Challenging

Commercial kitchen hood systems are complex. They operate sequentially and must mesh with life safety components as well as all mechanical, electrical and plumbing needs. It must also function properly in concert with the fire alarm and HVAC system, which means the location of such components will dictate where your hood system can go.

Another challenging aspect of hood installation is coordinating the multiple teams required for installation. Five trades need to come together and coordinate various aspects of the installation. Moreover, there also needs to be coordination with the professional hood company during installation. As contractors, we’ve worked very closely with hood companies onsite to align our efforts during installation. We’ve found that working as a team with reputable professional hood companies, like CaptiveAire, makes the installation process run smoothly and successfully.

Insist on a Pre-Test

You never want the first time your hood system is tested to be during an operational emergency. We require a pre-test of hood systems in all our contracts. These tests consist of all trades being onsite at a specific time to go through a test run together. We ensure that everything is in place to meet fire and life safety codes. The hood sequence is tested – if it’s hot, does the gas shut off? Is the fire department notified that there’s a problem in Hood 1? Will the ANSUL system or sprinkler be triggered? We go through the pre-test with the entire team and then call for the final inspection.

Many contractors don’t execute these tests, and then when there is a real problem, something detrimental can happen.

Contact us at Seacoast Consulting Group

During a restaurant buildout, so much of construction rides on the successful installation of the professional hood system. The ability to get the equipment right during the build is not only important for construction but also for the long-term success and sustainability of running a safe and operational restaurant.

If you have questions about restaurant buildouts in South Florida or need advice on making a restaurant shell hood-ready, call us today at 305-845-7785.



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