Finding a Property’s Zoning Category in Miami-Dade

Whether you’re building a luxury residential property or an office or warehouse, your property must abide by the given zoning requirements of the area. Even if you’re not trying to rezone or seek a zoning exception, you may still need a zoning verification letter in Miami.

Here in Miami, there are special and/or historic districts that maintain specific building rules. All construction projects in these areas must adhere to the regulations. Read on below for how to find your property’s zoning information and learn whether or not you need to apply for a special permit or warrant.

How to Find Your Property’s Zoning Category in Miami

The process for finding your property’s zone in Miami-Dade is fairly straightforward. The City of Miami offers a search tool on its website to guide you through each step.

 First, you will enter your property’s address into the GIS Map Tool. Then you will find your Transect Zone. You do this by clicking on the “zoning” tab of your search results. The first box in the results tab will show the zone. Be sure to also look at the second box – “Areas of Specific Designation.” If it denotes SD – or special district – you’ll be required to get a class II special permit.

 When you click on the Transect Zone, you will be linked to a document that specifies what can and can’t be done in this zone. If you need a warrant or exception for your project (because it is in a special district), you will need to follow additional steps to apply for the required warrant or special permit.

As you make plans for a commercial construction project in South Florida, it’s essential that you follow all rules and regulations for zoning and permitting. Our team at Seacoast Construction is here to guide you through each step of your project – from planning through completion. Give us a call at 786-433-8740 to ask your questions.


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