Florida’s Live Local Act (LLA) introduced various measures to promote workforce and affordable housing developments across Florida. Under the LLA, the state government has taken steps to preempt specific local zoning and regulatory ordinances that previously governed housing developments. This means that for qualifying projects, state guidelines on zoning, density and height take precedence over Broward County and local city codes if they conflict.
Here’s a closer look at how Floor Area Ratio (FAR) adjustments under the Live Local Act affect development projects in Florida and what developers need to know to take advantage of these changes.
Floor Area Ratio Adjustments Under the Live Local Act
Floor Area Ratio (also called floor lot ratio) is a ratio that represents the total floor area of a building relative to the size of the plot on which it is built. For example, a FAR of 2.0 means that the total floor area of the building can be twice the area of the plot. Local zoning ordinances often cap FAR to control the density and impact of development on surrounding areas.
With the amendments put forth in Senate Bill 328, the LLA now preempts local government standards for FAR and allows qualifying development projects to utilize up to 150% of the maximum FAR permitted within the jurisdiction.
Additionally, municipalities cannot restrict the height of the proposed development below the highest currently allowed height for a commercial or residential building located within a 1-mile radius of the proposed development or three stories, whichever is higher.
The increase in allowable floor area enables developers to construct larger buildings, accommodate more units and potentially generate greater revenue.
Get in Touch with Our Team at Seacoast Consulting Group
Increased density and FAR often mean a more complex design. Be sure to work with experienced construction consultants who can help identify the optimal density and FAR strategy for your project while ensuring compliance with both LLA requirements and Broward County regulations. We’re here to help. Contact our team at Seacoast Consulting Group to schedule a free consultation to discuss your next project in South Florida.
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