Budget or Design? Can You Have Both?

Sometimes commercial build projects can feel a little like a chicken and egg scenario. While you may have a thorough wish-list of desirables, you also have a budget you to adhere to. So, which should get developed first? Your budget or your design? Or perhaps it’s possible to achieve both – sticking to your budget and achieving your design goals, even if they exceed budgetary limits…at first.

This was the experience one of our franchise clients encountered before consulting with us to help resolve their dilemma.

Getting the “look” at the price that is right

Adhering to the look and feel of a franchise establishment can sometimes be easier said than done, especially when it needs to come in on budget. One of our franchise clients, Body Details, experienced this first-hand before calling us in for assistance.

Prior to partnering with us, the project owners had consulted with several designers and created a wish list of ideas they wanted to include in their retail build-outs. Unfortunately, they quickly discovered they were overpriced and well above budget.

At Seacoast Construction, we worked to reduce the price of their finishes and reevaluate how the treatment rooms were positioned in order to improve efficiencies. By sharing pipes in the exhaust system and making some smart adjustments to the materials and finishes, we were able to help the franchise achieve the retail look they wanted at the price that fit their budget.

Even better? Together we were able to subsequently replicate the build-out process with several of their other franchise locations, further taking advantage of project efficiencies and collaboration.

The moral of the story is that it is possible to achieve the look you want at a price that matches your budget, especially when you engage a general contractor early in the process. If you have questions about commercial construction in South Florida, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us anytime at 786-433-8740.

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