Bringing Your On-Hold Project Back to Life

The dawn is rising. We’ve entered a new phase of pandemic life, and while we are still far from “the way things were,” we are getting closer with each day and with each vaccine that rolls out and into the arms of our friends, family, and community members.


As our community begins to move onwards and upwards, now is the time to bring those on-hold projects back to life. People are starting to feel safer with each passing day, and while we all recognize the need for continued vigilance, many are finding ways to return to life’s daily activities while still following important safety guidelines.


What to know when resuming your on-hold project


As you consider resuming your on-hold project, come talk to us at Seacoast Construction. There are some important factors to keep in mind, and our team will guide you through steps to take to get the project going again.


Depending on the type of project and length of time it was on hold, multiple factors may be at play so it’s important to plan ahead. Here are a few of the many questions and factors we’ll discuss as we evaluate the next steps for your project:


  1. Has the project’s scope and budget changed in any way? While on hold, you may have reconsidered your project’s goals and objectives. The market has changed. Perhaps your ownership team has changed. Other factors may also be at play that weren’t there before you paused the build. Consider what, if any, changes need to be made to the overall scope and budget.
  2. Have any building code or compliance measures changed while your project was on hold? Code changes may influence permit requirements and possible redesign fees. It may also impact the build schedule and budget.
  3. Is the original team still available for the project? This goes for both the project owner side as well as the general contracting side.
  4. What changes need to be made to the contracts to account for any changes to scope and/or schedule? Thoroughly review and amend contracts to account for the changes to the project and fees.


Resuming a project requires the same level of diligence as starting a brand new project, and that means starting with a strong foundation – building a trusting relationship with your contractor and creating a strong pre-construction plan to set the course for the build. When you’re ready to resume your on-hold project, get in touch with our team at Seacoast Construction.




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